Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chapter 1 - A New Beginning ~ A New ending ~~ Anoother way forward

This is a story that was create due to boredom. I might have committed grave English mistake so if anyone can correct me ,thank you.

" Let's go , man", Rocket Lee stated.

"Are you sure ...", Raizer stared with the piercing of his bloodied-shot eye.
Funny as it seem, one of his eye was cover with an eye patch,
it seem to fit into the picture of him being an ragged old pirate.

The wind was cold and chilling, blasting cold wind right at them,
taunting them to move forward with the intent of gnawing at their spines.

As they cautiously moved towards the mountain, they saw an old hut.
It was speckled with dusts that shine like the gold ,
standing there firmly as proud as a guardian who guards the door
without moving an inch.

Just, Raizer felt an strange presence watching them. He let fly 2 of his quick dagger combo into the bush behind the house. The bush shivered with fear, out came a rabbit jumping and quickly hobbled its way into a rabbit hole for fear of misadventure.

"Geez... why so work up ?" , Rocket Lee exclaimed.
Raizer stared at the bush before replying, 'Nothing'.
In the bush , someone with dark hollow eyes was staring right through at Raizer.

" Just you will be my prey tonight, well let's rock and roll" , the dark-cloaked figure hissed.

What will they do ? Will they survives the night in the house?
Or here is the beginning of their downfall? Or is this the start of the beginning?

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