Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chapter 10 - Fall of the Isis

The 3 Angels met again. Eons of years had passed and they have
not met until now. Years passed by with non major events. Yet ,
the Agglam has grown powerful through the year , a little by little.
Even though he was sealed by the hero Sora , for 10 eons. The
palace looked as though Angel Flonne had kept in neat conditions.

" Such sentiments are useless. Serapth , You should know that the
history would happen again. Nevertheless, the efforts we put in
before was gone in smoke, I think we should not interfere with the humans
this time and let them save themselves from catastrophe.
After all , Angels do not Interfere with the Rules of the Game."

"Sugintou , you should believe in the humans. Have faith in them,
you will be surprise by their actions. Love will prevail."

" As if, They do not believe us, mere mortals. Their selfishness to
Mother Earth and Father Sea is unspeakable. Furthermore ,
the blight is created by themselves and cause the Blight Night."

" Such misfortune do occur , as Angels , we should guide
them to the holy light and save those that can be saved."

"Your effort is wasted, Angel Serapth. Had spending too
much time in the SkyTower make you gone senile?"

" Such sully words , why don't you be nicer ? " Angel Florence asked in
a chippy voice as she twirled around.

" That is expected of Angel Sugintou."

Angel Florence flew and hover toward a figure.

"Father! What bring you here?" , enquired Angel Florence
as she looked innocently at Father.

"Let the meeting begin,"

Father's voice boomed through the palace.

"The chess pieces have gathered. The game begins long ago. Agglam ,has stirred in his wake
and his servants has been hoarding people and taking territories , servants of darkness has increase in number. We must do something , Father ." , reported Angel Serapth.

" I suggested we stay out of this mess." , Angel Sugintou replied in quick succession.

" We cannot bend the rule of Game, as we speak , the darkness has spreaded and Isis is going
to fall soon. Gragers and Undead has been spotted advancing toward Isis. The Devils are not
keeping to part of their pact , and break the rule of the Game." , Angel Requiem.

" We must aid the humans, they are not strong enough to fight Agglam and his fiends.", Angel Joseph proclaimed.

" They might beat us for the moment , but they will never beat us in long term. Remember ,
there is a Seeker as well. She would pass judgement at the end of the Game. Rather , guiding
the sevens along is what we can do and what we can do best. Sugintou , has you explain the
power to the humans ? " , Father replied.

" I did what I was told to , give them power. If you want to test their characters , give them power. I do not wish to help humans who had little faith in us , Angels." , Angel Sugintou replied
and lowered her head.

" Sugintou , the fort at Meizen cannot be defeated. Guardian of Destroyer , Sugintou .
I command thee to destroy the vile creatures infesting at Meizen. Flonne and Florence,
guiding humans is your jobs.Serapth , your job is to investigate how the Agglam sudden
rise to power , Joseph and Requiem , your job is to ensure that the Devils don't attack
the humans themselves. And I myself would seek an audience with the Lich King and
Dread Lord." Father said solemnly.

Juitoh - Meanwhile , the four of them woke up.

" Was that a dream , we ... met an Angel?"

" Yes, it was...but how did our dreams connected ?"

" Dreams , FAT HOPE , I bet it is kinda a stupid devil trying to fool us."

" There is a name. Angel Sugintou. You should treat people and angels
with respect . Such things are not nice , I wonder where did you pick
up from?? "

Shuri wave her hand. Nothing come out. She closed her eyes and chanted
the words, " az zi Spark " , small sparks flew out of her finger and dash
towards the rock and split into small pieces.

Tablim tried and think but nothing came out.
" Arrgh , this is totally crap. " , Tablim screeched in frustration.

"It's time that we must move ahead, let follow the monkey path and ..", Bernard said.

"Yeah , I agreed."

As they walked through the path , they saw smoke coming out. They found themselves out of the mountain, there were a lot of green herbs and tea leaves around. The butterflies were flying
around .

Isis - The marching of the Undead began. There was no way that they could win. Yes ,
they will all die and join them. But this isn't about if you can't win , join them . They have lost half
of their brothers and to have half of your brothers rise as undead , there is certainly ...

" Where are the Angels ? Why aren't they helping us ? " , wondered Captain Higgins.

"Captain , the wall is going to break! " , shouted a soldier.

" RETREAT , Sound the horns and evacuate everyone ", Captain Higgins ordered. The tooting of horns sounded the sky while the ravens flew in the air , waiting for the spoils of the war.

"Captain , Watch out!"

An undead jumped forward and sliced a whiff of his hair.

" This is dangerous , we might not even survive."

Higgins reached and grabbed the hilt of his sword. The Undead charged forward with bull-like strength knocking his down like a bowling pin. He was saved by his sword, with the undead
looking at him hungrily and roared. Higgins swings his sword in dancing melody which only
incensed the undead further. Higgins retreated and tripped on a stone and fell.

" I'm going to die. Sorry I fail, everyone I. am a failure"

Amazingly, his hand found his sword blocking the wrenched undead from devouring him.
The undead glanced at him . it's disgusting saliva dropping on his hand. He pushed the undead
away, drawing strength , he plunged the sword into the heart of the undead.

The undead groans before it comes to a standstill. Sweats were all over his hands.

Raven Hanch - "The fun is going to start soon " , laughed Agglam as he watched the crystal

" Yes , master , victory shalt be ours. ", crooned the assassin.

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