Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chapter 7 - Mark of the Lance , Angel Serapth

" Welcome friends, now I shalt show you the vision of what happened 1,000 years ago" , Angel Serapth proclaimed and began chanting non profusely.

Raizer and Rocket Lee found themselves in another strange place. " Where are we now? " , Rocket Lee questioned. " We are at the battlefield of Gustav where the birth of the sword took place. Many wars were waged to get the Secret Sword. It is proclaimed the owner of the sword will rule over the world of Light for a thousand year before he died ." , Angel Florence explained.

The battlefield of Gustav, it was well known that many legends, myths and fabrications of the Secret Sword was created due to the Great Wars era. The one who wield the Sword was grant an immortality of a thousand year and ruler of the Light. However , the Secret Sword disappear in the 700 years later , chaos erupted and warfare was common.That was why they were ordered by their King to search for the Sword and to rebuild peace and order in the world of Light again.

They were intrigued by the fact that the Secret Sword had been split apart and was destroyed totally. " Ah crap, we totally wasted our time , there is no hope and future for the world of Light",
Raizer commented curtly.

" The sword was destroyed in the era, however this Secret Sword can be reborn again , all it needs is a true seeker with pure heart and sincerity , it will respond to the call of duty. Yet, it's counterpart has been awaken and wrecking havoc in the world." , Angel Florence replied.

" Why is there an evil counterpart of the Secret Sword, isn't there only 1 sword in the World of Light ? " , Rocket Lee asked.

" There is yin and there is yang, there is good and there is evil,
there is day and there is night. One cannot demand one of the extreme.
To balance the nature , a thing will have it's counterpart. However ,
the darkness is spreading it's vines , lava are destroying
the nature land, undead are rising and the Agglam is
getting stronger and stronger each day,the light in the world
is getting dimmer and dimmer. If the light dies ,
the darkness will win the battle and the World
of Light shalt suffer."Angel Florence answered.

"Why don't you Angels clear the mess ?" , Raizer demanded . A surge of anger boiling in his skin , ready to explode and snap at the neck of the dastardly Angels.

" Calm, Calm , we Angels , the Lances cannot take the Secret Sword ,
Fate has agreed for the game to be play with the players ,
we can only guide the players in the game and help them.
Similarly , for the side of darkness ,
the Devils are termed to the same conditions as us." ,
explained Angel Serapth.

Bring forth the guiding light , and end the wait

They found themselves back at the mountain, Angel Florence was with them. "Why don't you tell us more what should we do???Hey Angel , I have enough of this nonsense." Raizer raised his voice while sharping his kunais.

" There are 5 people , one of them is the true beholder of the sword .One will betray the party. One will fallen in Bjiou , the seven meets at Tea Leaf , whispers gather at night, behold of the one who hold scars." Angel Florence warned.

Angel Florence looked kindly at Raizer and said ," You seem to suffer a lot of pains , time will heal you and there will be some one who will heals your wounds."

Before Raizer can argue with Angel Florence , a strong wind swept
them and they landed in the Inn of Tea Leaf.

Who are the sevens?
And What is going to happen in Tea Leaf?

1 comment:

Roberto Paez -A.B. Cerapth- said...

hey, i inveted the name of Cerapth, It is better writed with an "C", hehe, i use it as my seudomin, hehe, well, i m a writer, i write little storys, and a big story that i am creating, since i start to write, hehe, i like yours, i will mark your blog