Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chapter 4 - Moving Forward~ A New Discovery

"Ah, crap!", groaned Tablim , wheeling herself out of the beach. The steamers waves and the beam of light , the reasons why they were here. Mostly , that crybaby Ravado was separated from them, that certainly spell trouble for her . Miss Grand Humpty Lady would holler and screech like a bat blasting her ear drums apart. Tablim sighed , " Why do I need to babysit a crybaby ?".

Moriany turned around and trounced the environment, he began scribbling down notes and looking at the emanating light structure that brought them here. It glowed and stopped. It was no longer light and a very bad omen... something is going to happen and ill luck bring forth misfortune.

" Look like we entered a new world or another dimension. First ,
we need to secure the site ,second by a follow up of survelliance and
finally secure food supplies " , commented the self professed geek.

"Hey, hey, hey, It's time for our showdown, let wrecked havoc here! " ,
bellowed Bernard, swinging his hands in glee and jumping for joy.

"Ha , ha , that the way Bernard is ." , noted Shuri. Shuri searched around ,noticing Ravado was missing , terrible things do happen to him whenever Shuri was not with him for a few times .

"RAVado, Where are you? " , Shuri shouted . The others began shouting Ravado's name. They search frantically, Bernard mused , " Where is the crybaby? Yoohoo stop hiding ,Crybaby Rav ~". Normally , when Ravado hear this taunt , he would appear. But ...

Shuri rolled her eyes at Bernard, " Don't be a meanie."

Bernard shot back , " well , I was trying to be cool , ha ha , just joking , okay?"

Moriany commented , " It ain't no good trying to talk, talking
wouldn't solve anything . let's go and be familiar with the terrains ,
we might face an ambush by monsters ,thieves , bandits or freaking weirdos."

Tablim nod her head in agreement.

"I'm the main hero , IF there is any trouble , i will save the day.
Now , bow to me and hail me, Bernard the Mighty Hero "
exclaimed Bernard with jubilant heartfelt laughter. His shoulders
dancing with the rhythm of perfect execution and his eyes gleaming with brightness.

Who are those 4 characters ?
How are they related to Ravado ?
And what role do they playing in the Secret Sword?
And why are their response different from each other?

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