Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter 8 - Tea Leaf - A place of Magic

Tea Leaf
- The mark of the village houses come into play, herbs
surround the houses and huts like decoration.
Ravado found himself wandering around here
after a cloaked figure guided him from the marketplace.

He was thinking to himself , " How are the others doing?" .
Heaving a sigh , Ravado paused and looked up ,
he was at the front of the Inn.
He pushed the door and it creaks ,many faces turned and glanced
at him while returning back to their conversation.
He saw an empty table at the corner and went over there.

" Young lad, what do you want here? A proper meal with a warm of
rekel and baked ham costs you 10 copper coins while a lodging
cost you 5 copper coins per day." , the shopkeeper asked.

" Give me a proper meal and lodging for the day." , answered Ravado as he figure his hands into the pouch of coins given by the stranger who met him before. He laid 15 copper coins to one of the waiter's waiting hand.

Meanwhile, Raizer and Rocket Lee was discussing on the next moves. They failed to recognize the Fate's game. "Let's go the Woolen Tavern , the best place to hear juicy rumors and gather information , somehow rumors of the Secret Sword has been spreading fast. We also need to restock our supplies and contact Gertel." , whispered Raizer.Rocket Lee nod his head and prepare to move away.

It was then the door flew past and slammed into the wall , a few of the people exclaimed in alarm, " It's the Grangers , run" . The people
started to flee and one of the orcs caught him ,
the villager cried and begged the Orc to stop but the Orc yanked him away.

" Listen you all , we want ale and baked ham .You !" ,the bigger Orc pointed at the shopkeeper.

" Ye....Yes..." , the shopkeeper said in a trembling voice.

The Grangers began to sit at the tables. When the ale came ,
the Orcs( Grangers) laughed among themselves and
mocked at the villagers and the other customers .

Rocket Lee lowered his hand , feeling for his weapon. A hand grabbed his , "STOP." , Raizer ordered and Rocket Lee reluctantly drop his hand.

Ravado who was watching the scenes felt anger seething him. He
wanted to boil those Orcs into red steak in hot oven.

"Hey you orcs bastards , get Lost! " , Ravado shouted before he could
stop himself. The Orcs laughed and began taunting,
"a puppy that bark and has no bite ,
go back to your doggy home."

"How Dare YOU ...", Ravado remarked. Azure Renkin FireBlast .
The Orcs were consumed by the ravaging fire and there was a binding light.

There were 2 Angels. Smiling . At .Him . " Well done, Ravado ,
more is needed to done by the Hero." , Angel Florence said.

" You must control the powers of yours,
the destiny of the World of Light lies in your hand. There will be
people to guide you and don't fail us and the world." , Angel Serapth replied.

Raizer stated ," Well, an unexpected encounter, he may
be interesting , maybe he may be the one to wield the sword ."

Rocket Lee commented , " You can't denied he looks fragile."

" Where ... am ... I ?" , Ravado said. There was a grouching headache that was numbing him.

" You were so cool , you roasted the Grangers to BBQ meat " , said Rocket Lee cheerfully.

It appears that Ravado didn't remember everything.

Rekel: your normal kind of tea

What are the others doing?

How should they arrive at Tea Leaf?
Who will they meet?
And What they can do?

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