Thursday, September 18, 2008

Chapter 2 - The Hidden House~~ The Secret Avatar

- There come a day in the day Of Light. The might streams of waves weeping and usurping the seashore, what lies ahead was just nothing... nothing really. Nothing.

A bunch of streamers went rolling in. There was bubbles foaming in the sea. "Look out!", shouted Ravado in a raspy voice. " aure ze ban ko , azure sime ko, May the Blessed One , Rid the World of Evil and Kind!" , a mystical cloaked figure croaked.

There was a sudden splash of light, Now, time hath freeze,time has stopped, there was no one , ... just only you , yes just you.. you.And that was what Ravado just remembered before he was knocked out cold. "The mysterious figure, who was that?", he wondered.

Strangely, he felt for his hands, they were real and his hands...
Hands... were ... shaking uncontrollably.

It shone brightly before the light and left a mark on him.
This mark disappeared.

He remember nothing, Ravado has forgotten who was with him at the beach. He knows he lost something , something very important and close to his heart.

Razier pushed the door, entered the hut.
It was very small yet wondrously big.
It's sinister presence was enough to freeze him and Rocket Lee."Hey!",
exclaimed Rocket Lee. There was something strange about the pipe,
it kept humming a tune on it's own. There was a sad melody which
have a sad tone yet beautiful.

An arrow whizzed past him and stuck on the wood. Raizer was in a total moment of shock , they could be totally be killed but was let off by some professionals.

In the parchment, it reads

In time of trouble do not fear ,
let the bard sings his songs ,

for you may listen with with your ear ,
the kindly advice on
the adventure to begin.

Come what may come,
in time no time no matter what,
what lies within you may be calm,
or chaotic nature wet.

It is a cowardly way to run,
hide or give up,
there is no pun
to become a tub.

The cloaked creature crept silently.

" Maaster, the task had completed.They are soon on their
way to find the Secret Sword, which we will use for the creation of a New Order. " , the cloaked creature report to his master , the True Aggalm.

Here again lies the trouble, it just double the trouble,why don't they solve it , why must they become pawns for a mere game? Why didn't they kill Ravado in the 1st place, just destroyed his memory? What is the purpose of the Aggalm ? And why did Aggalm Spare Ravado?

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