Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chapter 5 - The Shining Light , Appearance of the Angel

- Razier and Rocket Lee were moving
to the next town , Tea Leaf .

" Hey, you know we should consult the elders about the parchment
and the arrow, we have a duty , we need to get the Secret Sword for
our king , let it fallen into the wrong hands ,
the world of Light will have no day in peace." ,
Rocket Lee said and looked at his partner.

Razier gave a grunt and replied , " You young lad here thinks that this
is a super hero mission , we were almost killed in the day at the hut ,
this is no funny business and yet you think you can defeat the Gragers
and the Assassins , you are DAMN BLOODY WRONG !"

"Cool it man, they underestimated us , I still can use the skill " ,
retorted back Rocket Lee with a smirk on his face .

"You MUST never use it , that is why I am here with you ,
to stop you from using it. Have you forgotten how much damage and hurt you caused? " , questioned Raizer .

Raizer were rolling his eyes at Rocket Lee , their eyes met and there
was a silent pause . Both men seem to understand that each have each
own secret and there is a mutual agreement there was a
narrow path that should not be thread.

Rocket Lee broke the silence with a laugh ," Ha , ha ,ha , that is a time we can and we must do what we seem to dislike .when that happen , when the time pass , I hope we act in good faith."

Razier nodded and said in a gruffy voice ," Let hope the time will not
come. If we have met under different circumstances , we could be good friends."

Rocket Lee paused before saying ,
" the moon is nice and it is bright and light."

They have reached the end of the mountain. The town was littered
with a lot of small dots representing huts with burning oil lamps.

A flash of lighting sudden slide past them. Razier grabbed his kunai
while Rocket Lee's hand closed firmly onto the hilt of his sword .
The lighting slash open the rock and the blinding light glows and they
shield their eyes from the light. The light emanating from the winged
angel had stopped. It was a beautiful sight , a sight almost unparallel
in words . The white wings , the purity of the soul ,
the holy aura and the ... kindness and warmth.

" Who are you? " , threatened Razier pointing his swinging kunais tied together at the angel .

" Hey , are you an angel , so... cute" , Rocket Lee exclaimed with
a glittering look in his eyes turning into a mannequin in his shock state.

"Knock it off ! We had a crisis here and stop fooling
around. I bet this is a fake or an illusion." ,
growled Razier as his muscles tensed up and
he whacked the head of Rocket Lee like a ball .

The Angel smiled . The smile melts the away the wariness of Razier. Razier backed off a few steps , not wanting to be ambush if that is an illusion by an enemy.

The Winged One said in an audible , gentle voice ," Fear me not ,
brave travellers, Seekers of the Secret Sword ,
I shalt heal the wounds of yours , for I am Angel Florence , task to
aid seekers of the Way and guide them." and looked kindly at them.

Gragers: grunts and orcs cursed to live in condemn because on their betrayal in the world of Light during the struggle against Agglam, Aggalm's servants.

Who is Angel Florence and what is her purpose?

What is Angel Florence going to tell them?

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