Friday, September 19, 2008

Chapter 3 - Living in the Memories~ Trapped in the Past

- Another day had passed. Ravado was still shaken, he was
brought into a world which was stranger to him. He felt scared .
He was alone... all alone... alone

There was no one to help him. Not his friends who were separated
by the 'steamers' waves, he felt so helpless , he want to die.

"Let me die, I can't face it any longer," Ravado screamed in anger.

The past . My past.
"Failure . You are... nothing but a failure.", echoed in his head.
"Stop this nonsense, I wouldn't have any of it, If..." , wailed Ravado.

His face turn mottled purple with spasm on his face.

"Ravado, you are a useless scum bag" , jeered Fastin in his head.

" You will never make it, worthless student" , the teacher sneered.

" Ravado, now die and go into the black hole", the bully mocked him.

All these vivid memories kept replaying into his mind.

" Shuri ... is that you ? Why is the world so unkind ? ", Ravado whispered.

A sad smile formed on the face , Shuri nodded and cuddle his head.

" We are all blessed, Live Child , for the mysteries to
your questions are beginning to unfold .",Shuri said
in a soft , soothing and audible voice.
With that, she faded into the light.

" Wait! Don't go! Pls! ' , Ravado begged.

The next morning , Ravado found himself in the street.
The town was buzzing with life.Ravado pondered, " was it a dream?"

Shop houses and stalls lined up the streets and the country folks
were busying do their routine activities. It was a bit rowdy yet tidy
at the same time.

Why was Ravado unable to remember Shuri?
What was the past of Ravado?

Why was Ravado being tormented by his emotions ?
What was Shuri to Ravado?

And why was Ravado unable to move forward ?

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