Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter 6 - Mark of the Lance , Angel Florence

" So, Angel Florence , tell thee more about the Secret Sword " , Raizer demanded. Raizer was feeling non pussed about the 'Angel guy' or whatever having lot of knowledge about them . He was one within the shadow and it was even harder for the top information gatherers to gather his info.

Angel Florence gave a radiant smile and replied ," Easy,child, for you are nervous about me. Do you know the order of Heaven? The Seven Lances of Hope. Here is the symbol that mark it. " as she hold the mark of the Lance . The mark of the Lance glowered and blinded them in a flash of light.

" Where ... are ... we ?" Rocket Lee asked.

They were being transport to another place.

Angel Florence answered, " Here is the transitional place , let me heal your wounds and fatigue."

"As if , Hmph! " Razier retorted folding his arms.

Angel Florence chanted , "az ri ko ban , Come forth the Healing Wind ,
heals the children of Hope and Bless them!"

A wind cyclone came and whirls around them . Raizer found himself fresh of energy , full of vitality once again.

Rock Lee cried , " this is totally amazing! "

"And Now , let me show you the history of Secret sword " , Angel Florence sang.

They stopped. The wall of rock expressed its annoyance at them ,
it looked at them and snorted. They were nothing in comparison
with the wall. They were like Halflings look at the feet of the Giant.

Raizer snickered ," How do we get through this stupid block?"

The wall hearing this , began to rudder , and suddenly a pile of big
rocks came tumbling down at him , Raizer sensing danger ,
twisted his body gracefully and landed on his feet.
The balls of rocks went shattering all over.

"There was a nice one, little bratty fellow .Next time , I should pull no punch.", hollered the wall of rock . The echo rebound and Rocket Lee and Raizer covered their ears. the echo seems to has no effect on Angel Florence.

"What bring Mark of the Lance , Angel Florence , Guardian of Love and Healing here ? " , questioned the rock of wall.

" I seek to quench their thirst of the Secret Sword ."
, Angel Florence answered.

" So those brats are the chosen ones , my... my ... now give
the password for entry." , the wall of rock replied nonchalantly and closed his eyes.

" Sure , Gargos ." , Angel Florence replied sweetly.

Angel Florence began to sang

When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you to clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum ,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you cheated the guy in glass.

A door warp before them. Angel Florence led the way , there were strange carving around all the walls. Another white wing angel was waiting for them , "Greeting Angel Florence , I see the path
has moved and the game is starting." commented the Mysterious angel.

" Angel Serapth , I brought thee children at your request." , Angel Florence said.

Who was Angel Serapth?
What lies in the Secret Sword?

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