Saturday, October 11, 2008


it's is undergoing construction.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Chapter 10 - Fall of the Isis

The 3 Angels met again. Eons of years had passed and they have
not met until now. Years passed by with non major events. Yet ,
the Agglam has grown powerful through the year , a little by little.
Even though he was sealed by the hero Sora , for 10 eons. The
palace looked as though Angel Flonne had kept in neat conditions.

" Such sentiments are useless. Serapth , You should know that the
history would happen again. Nevertheless, the efforts we put in
before was gone in smoke, I think we should not interfere with the humans
this time and let them save themselves from catastrophe.
After all , Angels do not Interfere with the Rules of the Game."

"Sugintou , you should believe in the humans. Have faith in them,
you will be surprise by their actions. Love will prevail."

" As if, They do not believe us, mere mortals. Their selfishness to
Mother Earth and Father Sea is unspeakable. Furthermore ,
the blight is created by themselves and cause the Blight Night."

" Such misfortune do occur , as Angels , we should guide
them to the holy light and save those that can be saved."

"Your effort is wasted, Angel Serapth. Had spending too
much time in the SkyTower make you gone senile?"

" Such sully words , why don't you be nicer ? " Angel Florence asked in
a chippy voice as she twirled around.

" That is expected of Angel Sugintou."

Angel Florence flew and hover toward a figure.

"Father! What bring you here?" , enquired Angel Florence
as she looked innocently at Father.

"Let the meeting begin,"

Father's voice boomed through the palace.

"The chess pieces have gathered. The game begins long ago. Agglam ,has stirred in his wake
and his servants has been hoarding people and taking territories , servants of darkness has increase in number. We must do something , Father ." , reported Angel Serapth.

" I suggested we stay out of this mess." , Angel Sugintou replied in quick succession.

" We cannot bend the rule of Game, as we speak , the darkness has spreaded and Isis is going
to fall soon. Gragers and Undead has been spotted advancing toward Isis. The Devils are not
keeping to part of their pact , and break the rule of the Game." , Angel Requiem.

" We must aid the humans, they are not strong enough to fight Agglam and his fiends.", Angel Joseph proclaimed.

" They might beat us for the moment , but they will never beat us in long term. Remember ,
there is a Seeker as well. She would pass judgement at the end of the Game. Rather , guiding
the sevens along is what we can do and what we can do best. Sugintou , has you explain the
power to the humans ? " , Father replied.

" I did what I was told to , give them power. If you want to test their characters , give them power. I do not wish to help humans who had little faith in us , Angels." , Angel Sugintou replied
and lowered her head.

" Sugintou , the fort at Meizen cannot be defeated. Guardian of Destroyer , Sugintou .
I command thee to destroy the vile creatures infesting at Meizen. Flonne and Florence,
guiding humans is your jobs.Serapth , your job is to investigate how the Agglam sudden
rise to power , Joseph and Requiem , your job is to ensure that the Devils don't attack
the humans themselves. And I myself would seek an audience with the Lich King and
Dread Lord." Father said solemnly.

Juitoh - Meanwhile , the four of them woke up.

" Was that a dream , we ... met an Angel?"

" Yes, it was...but how did our dreams connected ?"

" Dreams , FAT HOPE , I bet it is kinda a stupid devil trying to fool us."

" There is a name. Angel Sugintou. You should treat people and angels
with respect . Such things are not nice , I wonder where did you pick
up from?? "

Shuri wave her hand. Nothing come out. She closed her eyes and chanted
the words, " az zi Spark " , small sparks flew out of her finger and dash
towards the rock and split into small pieces.

Tablim tried and think but nothing came out.
" Arrgh , this is totally crap. " , Tablim screeched in frustration.

"It's time that we must move ahead, let follow the monkey path and ..", Bernard said.

"Yeah , I agreed."

As they walked through the path , they saw smoke coming out. They found themselves out of the mountain, there were a lot of green herbs and tea leaves around. The butterflies were flying
around .

Isis - The marching of the Undead began. There was no way that they could win. Yes ,
they will all die and join them. But this isn't about if you can't win , join them . They have lost half
of their brothers and to have half of your brothers rise as undead , there is certainly ...

" Where are the Angels ? Why aren't they helping us ? " , wondered Captain Higgins.

"Captain , the wall is going to break! " , shouted a soldier.

" RETREAT , Sound the horns and evacuate everyone ", Captain Higgins ordered. The tooting of horns sounded the sky while the ravens flew in the air , waiting for the spoils of the war.

"Captain , Watch out!"

An undead jumped forward and sliced a whiff of his hair.

" This is dangerous , we might not even survive."

Higgins reached and grabbed the hilt of his sword. The Undead charged forward with bull-like strength knocking his down like a bowling pin. He was saved by his sword, with the undead
looking at him hungrily and roared. Higgins swings his sword in dancing melody which only
incensed the undead further. Higgins retreated and tripped on a stone and fell.

" I'm going to die. Sorry I fail, everyone I. am a failure"

Amazingly, his hand found his sword blocking the wrenched undead from devouring him.
The undead glanced at him . it's disgusting saliva dropping on his hand. He pushed the undead
away, drawing strength , he plunged the sword into the heart of the undead.

The undead groans before it comes to a standstill. Sweats were all over his hands.

Raven Hanch - "The fun is going to start soon " , laughed Agglam as he watched the crystal

" Yes , master , victory shalt be ours. ", crooned the assassin.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chapter 9 - Mark of The Lance , Angel Sugintou

Bernard stated, "We ain't going to be stuck here , Let's go."

"No! " , cried Tablim. He may be still be Here , You never know.

"Stop giving crap excuses , what an irresponsible person are you .
You only want personal fame and glory but you don't want to work.
Lazy bums like you should go into The Straven." , remarked Moriany.

The Straven is a well known place for lazy people and people who do
not want to work, went there and have a good life. However , they
become pigs in the process.

It is a legend that is pass down to the people.
No one had saw a Straven person , maybe he has eaten a
baked ham that is part of the person.

" What a meanie, a noob geek," insulted Tablim.

" Save your trouble , I wouldn't bother myself with a Stravener ." , Moriany replied coolly.

" Stop it , you both. Inaction is an act of wasting time. Rather, let us
decide where we need to move ahead . Moriany , hand me the map
you had drawn with your details. Shuri , checked our supplies , like
how long can it last and what kinds of items
we have right now." , commanded Bernard.

Moriany handled the map to Bernard. The map was well drawn except
with little sketches of details random flying. " There isn't much food
left apart some coconuts , we only have a few surf boards, goggles
and 2 rust stained knifes with us .", Shuri reported.

"This isn't looking good " , whined Tablim.

"Hmm ... the way is blocked by the boulders , we can only move over there" Bernard said as his moved his finger to another spot. Bernard asked Moriany , " What are the chances of survival there , if there is no encounter of bandits in the mountain ? "

" 1 and o , there is only between 1 and 0. Such is the fortitude if we risk
it ,we can get better food other than raw coconut
and bbq fish." , Moriany replied.

" For your information . I ,Tablim will not be going there
unless if has be proven Safe. "Tablim snapped.

She was frustated that she couldn't influence the people
into being setting down here instead of moving forward .
Yes , she wants better food yet she doesn't want to be part of the
effort just want to be part of the glory like Moriany eariler pointed out.

Bernard looked at her and said nothing. He realised that he should
have not consider Tablim to be an essential team member at all .
Now , he would change his impression of her . A loafer
might be really better for her , in term.

After thinking a while , Bernard replied, " Since Tablim wished to stay,
she should guard the supplier, we would be going on a detour to
check out the terrains. Shuri will be our communicator if we
happened to meet some people. I myself and Moriany will arm
ourselves with the knifes . And also ,while at the mountain , let look
for a cave as well . We will be gathering firewood as well. "

With that, having everyone agreed. They decided to move as planned.

At the foot of the mountain , Moriany noticed something strange.

"Look here , It's strange to see the footprints disappeared until here.
There may be some kind of magic or tricks to this.
We have to be extreme careful from now." , Moriany warned.

They started trekking the mountain.

Suddenly , a monkey crashed before them. It struggled before finally
successfully getting it's head out of the soil. It glares at them before
making angry-chattering and scuttering around.

"Should we follow it around ? " , Shuri asked.

" The monkey is a trap. We should not follow. " , Moriany said.

" Moriany is right. However, we should see where it goes as well. We
need to move in the direction left or right but not follow completely.
How the map is drawn now?" , said Bernard.

" Apart from a few blocked routes, we have found a cave , the route
the monkey fled is unexplored yet and the left path is filled with
suspecting fruits which may be edible while the right path contain a
forest , a place for firewood and an abandoned house." Moriany replied.

"For now , Let's retreat. We will explore the route tomorrow. And
It's our best interest that we move our valuables
and supplies into the cave there, it's better and we
do not need to worry about rain. " Bernard replied.

With that ,they managed to drag everything into the cave.

" Ahh, I'm so tired." , Tablim sighed.

" Look, a Stravener talking when all she did was cheering.
And to talk about supporting us , once we need support ,
and she goes into the shadow .
Well done , Stravener .
Now ,Shut your trap.", sneered Moriany.

"Enough, If you have nothing to say then don't say.
Moriany. And you Tablim,
you should have put more commitment in these than coming up
with crappy excuses." Bernard replied sternly and
look at Tablim in the eye, Tablim looked away.

" Her personal commitments are TOO BIG for us , TOO BIG , leisure
activities and enjoyment comes 1st before work, if nothing is in for
her, she won't work . Go to Stavern , Staverner. " , jeered Moriany.

" Stop it , Moriany. This isn't the time to fight ." , Shuri said.

" I will stop in due to respect from Shuri ,Bernard and Ravado .But not to YOU. " ,mocked Moriany , before climbing into the cave and rest.

" You all should rest while i keep watch for the night. " , Bernard replied.

It was the night. Looking at the starry night , Bernard realised that
what he must do to keep the team together was a daily struggle.
Their objective of getting away from this World and
back to their world was far. Most importantly , Ravado was missing.

" Ravado, if you were here , what will you do ",
pondered Bernard before tiredness force his eyelids to shut.

"Welcome , Gatherers , there is something you all must do .
Time is not on our side. " ,a dark wing angel said.

"What is that ? " , Moriany wondered.

" Who are you ? And what do our importance in this
world ? " , Bernard questioned. It was no doubt strange
things kept happening all over again .

" Names are not important , they are just names with
no significance . Angel Sugintou , if you must . " , replied the Angel .

" Now choose a symbol that you like most ." , ordered the Angel.

The Angel flipped open the book. There was many pictures and weird symbols. There was one to Bernard's liking , the character wields a sword and wear a plate armor. Shuri chose one that hold a staff with a pointed hat. Moriany choose the one that has a catapult and slingshot with him.

As for Tablim , it was to everyone surprise she choose a javelin holder.

"Now, Let me explain the meanings behind this. You are the part of the Seven who were recall from the other world dimension to aid the world of Light . What you have chosen will be your power . Knight . Mage . Sharpshooter and Warrior . Each of these class have
it's own advantages and disadvantages. Remember Unity is Strength .
Once divided will fall. That is all for you today." , Angel Sugintou.

" Hey , why should we FOLLOW you? You are not truly an angel.
You have BLACK wings , you must be a fallen angel ,
or a Devil." , Tablim snorted.

" I apologised for Tablim's behaviour. I Hope Angel Sugintou accept my apology
and I will keep her in rein from now , please forgive the
little one for the rudeness . " , Bernard said and bow his head.

Moriany quickly clasp his hand over Tablim's mouth.

" Father , Grant thee children the power sought to save the world
of Light. I pray to thee." ,cried Angel Sugintou .With that ,
a powerful tremor rocked the place while the explosion blinded
them temporarily. Angel Sugintou was not there .
What left was a pile of black feathers.

The party felt themselves glowing. "Amazing !" , cried Moriany.

There was a surge in power in their bodies. Time may ripen ,
waves may surge , trouble may awaken and hope may
await them.

Straverner: Person who stay in Straven for pleasure and
no work life, in the
process become a pig.

Where did Angel Sugintou goes?
Why did Angel Sugintou has no time?
Why Angel Sugintou has Black wings?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chapter 8 - Tea Leaf - A place of Magic

Tea Leaf
- The mark of the village houses come into play, herbs
surround the houses and huts like decoration.
Ravado found himself wandering around here
after a cloaked figure guided him from the marketplace.

He was thinking to himself , " How are the others doing?" .
Heaving a sigh , Ravado paused and looked up ,
he was at the front of the Inn.
He pushed the door and it creaks ,many faces turned and glanced
at him while returning back to their conversation.
He saw an empty table at the corner and went over there.

" Young lad, what do you want here? A proper meal with a warm of
rekel and baked ham costs you 10 copper coins while a lodging
cost you 5 copper coins per day." , the shopkeeper asked.

" Give me a proper meal and lodging for the day." , answered Ravado as he figure his hands into the pouch of coins given by the stranger who met him before. He laid 15 copper coins to one of the waiter's waiting hand.

Meanwhile, Raizer and Rocket Lee was discussing on the next moves. They failed to recognize the Fate's game. "Let's go the Woolen Tavern , the best place to hear juicy rumors and gather information , somehow rumors of the Secret Sword has been spreading fast. We also need to restock our supplies and contact Gertel." , whispered Raizer.Rocket Lee nod his head and prepare to move away.

It was then the door flew past and slammed into the wall , a few of the people exclaimed in alarm, " It's the Grangers , run" . The people
started to flee and one of the orcs caught him ,
the villager cried and begged the Orc to stop but the Orc yanked him away.

" Listen you all , we want ale and baked ham .You !" ,the bigger Orc pointed at the shopkeeper.

" Ye....Yes..." , the shopkeeper said in a trembling voice.

The Grangers began to sit at the tables. When the ale came ,
the Orcs( Grangers) laughed among themselves and
mocked at the villagers and the other customers .

Rocket Lee lowered his hand , feeling for his weapon. A hand grabbed his , "STOP." , Raizer ordered and Rocket Lee reluctantly drop his hand.

Ravado who was watching the scenes felt anger seething him. He
wanted to boil those Orcs into red steak in hot oven.

"Hey you orcs bastards , get Lost! " , Ravado shouted before he could
stop himself. The Orcs laughed and began taunting,
"a puppy that bark and has no bite ,
go back to your doggy home."

"How Dare YOU ...", Ravado remarked. Azure Renkin FireBlast .
The Orcs were consumed by the ravaging fire and there was a binding light.

There were 2 Angels. Smiling . At .Him . " Well done, Ravado ,
more is needed to done by the Hero." , Angel Florence said.

" You must control the powers of yours,
the destiny of the World of Light lies in your hand. There will be
people to guide you and don't fail us and the world." , Angel Serapth replied.

Raizer stated ," Well, an unexpected encounter, he may
be interesting , maybe he may be the one to wield the sword ."

Rocket Lee commented , " You can't denied he looks fragile."

" Where ... am ... I ?" , Ravado said. There was a grouching headache that was numbing him.

" You were so cool , you roasted the Grangers to BBQ meat " , said Rocket Lee cheerfully.

It appears that Ravado didn't remember everything.

Rekel: your normal kind of tea

What are the others doing?

How should they arrive at Tea Leaf?
Who will they meet?
And What they can do?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chapter 7 - Mark of the Lance , Angel Serapth

" Welcome friends, now I shalt show you the vision of what happened 1,000 years ago" , Angel Serapth proclaimed and began chanting non profusely.

Raizer and Rocket Lee found themselves in another strange place. " Where are we now? " , Rocket Lee questioned. " We are at the battlefield of Gustav where the birth of the sword took place. Many wars were waged to get the Secret Sword. It is proclaimed the owner of the sword will rule over the world of Light for a thousand year before he died ." , Angel Florence explained.

The battlefield of Gustav, it was well known that many legends, myths and fabrications of the Secret Sword was created due to the Great Wars era. The one who wield the Sword was grant an immortality of a thousand year and ruler of the Light. However , the Secret Sword disappear in the 700 years later , chaos erupted and warfare was common.That was why they were ordered by their King to search for the Sword and to rebuild peace and order in the world of Light again.

They were intrigued by the fact that the Secret Sword had been split apart and was destroyed totally. " Ah crap, we totally wasted our time , there is no hope and future for the world of Light",
Raizer commented curtly.

" The sword was destroyed in the era, however this Secret Sword can be reborn again , all it needs is a true seeker with pure heart and sincerity , it will respond to the call of duty. Yet, it's counterpart has been awaken and wrecking havoc in the world." , Angel Florence replied.

" Why is there an evil counterpart of the Secret Sword, isn't there only 1 sword in the World of Light ? " , Rocket Lee asked.

" There is yin and there is yang, there is good and there is evil,
there is day and there is night. One cannot demand one of the extreme.
To balance the nature , a thing will have it's counterpart. However ,
the darkness is spreading it's vines , lava are destroying
the nature land, undead are rising and the Agglam is
getting stronger and stronger each day,the light in the world
is getting dimmer and dimmer. If the light dies ,
the darkness will win the battle and the World
of Light shalt suffer."Angel Florence answered.

"Why don't you Angels clear the mess ?" , Raizer demanded . A surge of anger boiling in his skin , ready to explode and snap at the neck of the dastardly Angels.

" Calm, Calm , we Angels , the Lances cannot take the Secret Sword ,
Fate has agreed for the game to be play with the players ,
we can only guide the players in the game and help them.
Similarly , for the side of darkness ,
the Devils are termed to the same conditions as us." ,
explained Angel Serapth.

Bring forth the guiding light , and end the wait

They found themselves back at the mountain, Angel Florence was with them. "Why don't you tell us more what should we do???Hey Angel , I have enough of this nonsense." Raizer raised his voice while sharping his kunais.

" There are 5 people , one of them is the true beholder of the sword .One will betray the party. One will fallen in Bjiou , the seven meets at Tea Leaf , whispers gather at night, behold of the one who hold scars." Angel Florence warned.

Angel Florence looked kindly at Raizer and said ," You seem to suffer a lot of pains , time will heal you and there will be some one who will heals your wounds."

Before Raizer can argue with Angel Florence , a strong wind swept
them and they landed in the Inn of Tea Leaf.

Who are the sevens?
And What is going to happen in Tea Leaf?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter 6 - Mark of the Lance , Angel Florence

" So, Angel Florence , tell thee more about the Secret Sword " , Raizer demanded. Raizer was feeling non pussed about the 'Angel guy' or whatever having lot of knowledge about them . He was one within the shadow and it was even harder for the top information gatherers to gather his info.

Angel Florence gave a radiant smile and replied ," Easy,child, for you are nervous about me. Do you know the order of Heaven? The Seven Lances of Hope. Here is the symbol that mark it. " as she hold the mark of the Lance . The mark of the Lance glowered and blinded them in a flash of light.

" Where ... are ... we ?" Rocket Lee asked.

They were being transport to another place.

Angel Florence answered, " Here is the transitional place , let me heal your wounds and fatigue."

"As if , Hmph! " Razier retorted folding his arms.

Angel Florence chanted , "az ri ko ban , Come forth the Healing Wind ,
heals the children of Hope and Bless them!"

A wind cyclone came and whirls around them . Raizer found himself fresh of energy , full of vitality once again.

Rock Lee cried , " this is totally amazing! "

"And Now , let me show you the history of Secret sword " , Angel Florence sang.

They stopped. The wall of rock expressed its annoyance at them ,
it looked at them and snorted. They were nothing in comparison
with the wall. They were like Halflings look at the feet of the Giant.

Raizer snickered ," How do we get through this stupid block?"

The wall hearing this , began to rudder , and suddenly a pile of big
rocks came tumbling down at him , Raizer sensing danger ,
twisted his body gracefully and landed on his feet.
The balls of rocks went shattering all over.

"There was a nice one, little bratty fellow .Next time , I should pull no punch.", hollered the wall of rock . The echo rebound and Rocket Lee and Raizer covered their ears. the echo seems to has no effect on Angel Florence.

"What bring Mark of the Lance , Angel Florence , Guardian of Love and Healing here ? " , questioned the rock of wall.

" I seek to quench their thirst of the Secret Sword ."
, Angel Florence answered.

" So those brats are the chosen ones , my... my ... now give
the password for entry." , the wall of rock replied nonchalantly and closed his eyes.

" Sure , Gargos ." , Angel Florence replied sweetly.

Angel Florence began to sang

When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.

For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.

He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you to clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.

You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum ,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.

You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you cheated the guy in glass.

A door warp before them. Angel Florence led the way , there were strange carving around all the walls. Another white wing angel was waiting for them , "Greeting Angel Florence , I see the path
has moved and the game is starting." commented the Mysterious angel.

" Angel Serapth , I brought thee children at your request." , Angel Florence said.

Who was Angel Serapth?
What lies in the Secret Sword?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chapter 5 - The Shining Light , Appearance of the Angel

- Razier and Rocket Lee were moving
to the next town , Tea Leaf .

" Hey, you know we should consult the elders about the parchment
and the arrow, we have a duty , we need to get the Secret Sword for
our king , let it fallen into the wrong hands ,
the world of Light will have no day in peace." ,
Rocket Lee said and looked at his partner.

Razier gave a grunt and replied , " You young lad here thinks that this
is a super hero mission , we were almost killed in the day at the hut ,
this is no funny business and yet you think you can defeat the Gragers
and the Assassins , you are DAMN BLOODY WRONG !"

"Cool it man, they underestimated us , I still can use the skill " ,
retorted back Rocket Lee with a smirk on his face .

"You MUST never use it , that is why I am here with you ,
to stop you from using it. Have you forgotten how much damage and hurt you caused? " , questioned Raizer .

Raizer were rolling his eyes at Rocket Lee , their eyes met and there
was a silent pause . Both men seem to understand that each have each
own secret and there is a mutual agreement there was a
narrow path that should not be thread.

Rocket Lee broke the silence with a laugh ," Ha , ha ,ha , that is a time we can and we must do what we seem to dislike .when that happen , when the time pass , I hope we act in good faith."

Razier nodded and said in a gruffy voice ," Let hope the time will not
come. If we have met under different circumstances , we could be good friends."

Rocket Lee paused before saying ,
" the moon is nice and it is bright and light."

They have reached the end of the mountain. The town was littered
with a lot of small dots representing huts with burning oil lamps.

A flash of lighting sudden slide past them. Razier grabbed his kunai
while Rocket Lee's hand closed firmly onto the hilt of his sword .
The lighting slash open the rock and the blinding light glows and they
shield their eyes from the light. The light emanating from the winged
angel had stopped. It was a beautiful sight , a sight almost unparallel
in words . The white wings , the purity of the soul ,
the holy aura and the ... kindness and warmth.

" Who are you? " , threatened Razier pointing his swinging kunais tied together at the angel .

" Hey , are you an angel , so... cute" , Rocket Lee exclaimed with
a glittering look in his eyes turning into a mannequin in his shock state.

"Knock it off ! We had a crisis here and stop fooling
around. I bet this is a fake or an illusion." ,
growled Razier as his muscles tensed up and
he whacked the head of Rocket Lee like a ball .

The Angel smiled . The smile melts the away the wariness of Razier. Razier backed off a few steps , not wanting to be ambush if that is an illusion by an enemy.

The Winged One said in an audible , gentle voice ," Fear me not ,
brave travellers, Seekers of the Secret Sword ,
I shalt heal the wounds of yours , for I am Angel Florence , task to
aid seekers of the Way and guide them." and looked kindly at them.

Gragers: grunts and orcs cursed to live in condemn because on their betrayal in the world of Light during the struggle against Agglam, Aggalm's servants.

Who is Angel Florence and what is her purpose?

What is Angel Florence going to tell them?